64 Bits of Memory

Diesen Podcast hören auf:

Ein Song als Hommage an den 8-Bit Homecomputer Commodore C64.

In a room full of wires and circuits
Glowing screen on standby
Joy in the bytes and the pixels
64 bits in the sky

Load the game press start now
Digital worlds come alive
Catch the sound of the bleeps and bloops
It’s where my heart will thrive

C64 magic so alive
Memories from back in the drive
Pixels dancing on the screen
In a world that’s evergreen

Cassette whirring spinning fast
Sprites and levels built to last
Friendships formed in the glow
Of a childhood long ago

Hear the SID chip’s serenade
In these icons we have played
Cartridges and floppies too
Making dreams that still feel true

Type the code let’s make it real
In this room with so much zeal
Endless nights and endless fun
Glorious bytes projects begun

Supported by SUNO

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